Clear Bag Policy Texas A&M Athletics


Why has Texas A&M Athletics adopted a Clear Bag Policy?

Be Ready.  Be Clear.  Be Fast. 

Texas A&M Athletics continues to review its policies to enhance public safety and improve efficiencies as it relates to all home athletic venues.   Limiting the size and style of bags carried into the venue aids in maintaining safe and secure environments, decreases the time waiting to enter the venues, and improves the overall gameday experience.

Have other schools/teams adopted a Clear Bag Policy?

The Southeastern Conference (SEC) has mandated the policy for all members in 2017. A clear bag policy has been adopted by several colleges, the NFL, and venues that host entertainment and professional sporting events. 

Have the Prohibited Items changed as well with this bag policy?

No.  All prohibited items of home athletic venues remain the same, other than bags that do not meet the bag policy.

  • Artificial noise makers
  • Food
  • Beverages (including alcoholic beverages), except one sealed plastic bottle of water
  • Firearms
  • Tobacco products (of any kind)
  • Ice chests
  • Umbrellas
  • Strollers
  • Pets
  • Stadium seats in excess of 16 inches
  • Unauthorized banners, signs, or flags
  • Bags or cases of any kind that do not meet the bag policy

Are clear backpacks permitted?

Yes. Clear backpacks that do not exceed the 12” X 6” X 12” clear bag policy guidelines are permitted. Any type of clear bag that does not exceed the clear bag size requirements and does not contain more than one logo imprint (4.5” tall X 3.4” wide size maximum) is permitted. Any decorative trim on the clear bag cannot exceed 2” wide.

Small Bags

The only non-clear bags permitted are small clutch bags (with or without a strap) that are the size of a hand – 4.5″ X 6.5″.

How many bags can each person bring into the venue?

One (1) large clear plastic bag that is either a 1-gallon plastic storage bag or a 12″ X 6″ X 12″ clear plastic bag, plus one small clutch.

Can I carry cameras, binoculars, phones, or tablets separately from what I put in a clear bag?

Yes. Fans can continue to carry permitted items in their pockets or hands such as keys, phones, wallets, makeup, etc. if you choose not to put them in a clear bag or clutch. The Prohibited Items have not changed, only how items are carried into the athletic venue.  Camera or binocular cases will not be allowed.  Stadium seats and cushions smaller than 16”, sealed plastic bottles of water (1 per person), and blankets are still permitted and can be carried.

Is this policy only for Texas A&M football games at Kyle Field?

No.  This policy has been in effect at ALL ticketed athletics events, regardless of sport, in addition to Midnight Yell events at Kyle Field, since August 2016.

What happens if I show up at the entrance with a bag that is not permitted?

Fans with a prohibited bag will not be permitted inside the venue. Fans with prohibited bags will need to return their bags to their vehicle, and transfer their belongings to an approved clear plastic bag before entering the athletic venue.

If I have certain medical items/equipment that I need to bring into the venue what do I do?

There will be separate entrances at Kyle Field to allow for screening of any medically necessary items or equipment not able to fit within the bag policy requirements.  At Kyle Field, fans with medically necessary items should enter through gate 2,3,5,8 or 9.  For all other athletic venues, additional screening at the existing entrances will be conducted.

What about diaper bags?

Diaper bags that are clear and adhere to the clear bag policy requirements are permitted.  All other type of diaper bags will not be allowed in the athletic venues. An example is below.